— track your user across different analytics solutions

Ron Shoshani
R&D and Stuff
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2014


I’m using several complimentary products to track my users, two of which are Amplitude (event analytics) and Inspectlet (screen recorder).

Here’s a common use case for me:

  1. I use Amplitude to monitor my conversion funnel, then analyze why users drop off in each step.
  2. In order to better understand the users behavior, I like to watch a recording of their session.
  3. Problem: how can I correlate a certain Amplitude user to Inspectlet?

Well, if the user is registered in the system then it’s pretty easy — send the user name/email to both systems and search by that id. The more interesting scenario is with anonymous users who did not sign up yet.

What I did is use Amplitude’s deviceId field which is available on the client side and send it to Inspectlet. It’s not full proof, because you can have more than one user on the same device (computer/phone) but it’s good enough for my purposes.

This is the code I’m using:

if (typeof(amplitude.options) !== 'undefined') {
__insp.push(['tagSession', {amplitudeDeviceId: amplitude.options.deviceId}]);

Notice that I wrapped the code with a condition to make sure that amplitude.options is defined to make sure that Amplitude is fully initialized.

If you’re using Amplitude then the same technique can be used to send the deviceId to other analytics products.

